John Oliver on nursing homes and elder care
Table of Content Frankfurt Properties John Oliver roasts Andrew Cuomo amid nursing home, sex harass scandals The HBO host slammed a Massachusetts nursing home for its failures. John Oliver explores problems with U.S. nursing homes and long-term care, suggests you pay attention Needing some comedic relief after a diatribe about a serious international crisis, a montage of the greatest questions asked on Yahoo! Answers plays onscreen. The silliness of each question is shown against a background of luscious shots of nature with the tune of Cello Suite No. 1 by Bach playing. John Oliver kicked off tonight’s episode with a reminder that Prince Philip, the British royal who died last week, is married to his own cousin. Sadly, a nursing home resident’s level of care could very much be dependent upon who is footing the bill. ACCESSIBILITY FROM APPLEFor the disability community, computer technology creates the ability to engage in computer design of aging-in-place housing. And would lik...