Bald spots on dogs: How vets say to treat them
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Either way, no matter where you spot alopecia in dogs, your best bet is to visit a vet. A dog losing fur who has other symptoms may well have an underlying health problem. Demodectic mange often occurs in puppies, as their weak immune systems can’t fight off the mites hiding in the hair follicles. All cases of fur loss are best seen by a veterinarian as the causes are so wide and varied, and the skin may be itchy or even painful in some cases.
Cushing’s Disease Causes Dog Hair Loss
Medicated shampoos can treat a number of infections, especially mange. Food allergies can only be diagnosed by running a food trial for a minimum of eight weeks. If the underlying cause is allergies and they are treated properly, your dog's hair should regrow and the itching should stop. Dogs can also contract ringworm, a fungus that causes hair loss and small areas of infection (no, it's not actually a worm). Red, itchy or scaly patches are cause for a trip to the veterinarian. Your veterinarian will conduct a full examination, recommend some testing and prescribe antibiotics or antifungals to treat the infection if needed.
Can Vitamin Deficiency Cause Hair Loss in Dogs?
You can always count on locks losing their grip when spring or early autumn rolls around and dogs shed their seasonal coats. Environmental factors like temperature, nutrition, and stress can also affect canine coat loss. Inflamed sebaceous glands in the skin of short-coated breeds can cause hair loss and crusty skin. Alopecia in dogs is characterized by complete or partial loss of hair or fur in areas where hair is normally present. It’s possible your veterinarian will conduct a skin scraping or other test.
Yeast Infection
These supplements act as a natural lubricant for the canine skin, as well as offering additional support to other aspects of their health as well. If you are ever unsure of which diet is best for your canine friend, be sure to reach out to your vet for their suggestions. These tricks can not only prevent any flare ups of skin irritation in the future, but offer your pup the skin comfort they deserve. This cycle of skin irritation will often continue until the infection itself is resolved, and once the initial trigger is addressed. Fleas and ticks can lead to a vicious cycle of skin irritation until the critters are banished for good, making it essential to prevent their presence when possible. Though our allergies tend to cause us to sneeze and sniffle, canine allergies often impact the appearance of their skin.
Hair Loss in Dogs

Anytime your pup comes into contact with something they’re sensitive to, like grass, dust, or even other pets, they can have an allergic reaction. Dogs most prone to allergies include pit bulls, Dalmatians, French bulldogs, Scottish terriers, and shih tzus. A veterinarian will be able to determine what is causing your dog to lose hair with an accurate diagnosis and direct you on how to remedy the problem. They will likely recommend that you take special care of the skin underneath your dog's fur. Dogs can get skin infections that can lead to dogs losing hair.
Dog Hair Loss: 5 Reasons Why It Happens and What To Do
If your dog with a once healthy coat begins to lose hair, you may be turning to the internet for any possible explanation. If calluses crack, bleed, or get infected, treatment may include moisturizers, antibiotics, or use of bracing. You can prevent pressure sores and calluses by providing your pooch with cushioned bedding. Hair loss in dogs may also be caused by hyperadrenocorticism, or Cushing's disease, a condition caused by the overproduction of the hormone cortisol. Medication and sometimes surgery is available to treat Cushing’s disease, also known as Cushing's syndrome.
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28 Dog Breeds That Don't Shed (or Shed the Least).
Posted: Thu, 25 Apr 2024 21:11:15 GMT [source]
The first thing to look at when your dog starts to lose hair is shedding. It's a normal part of life for dogs to shed, with most breeds shedding twice a year. Overall, this usually doesn't cause bald spots or any other issues. Many dogs are susceptible to a number of skin conditions and diseases, including hair loss.
8 Best Dog Foods for Hair Loss in 2024: Reviews & Top Picks – Dogster -
8 Best Dog Foods for Hair Loss in 2024: Reviews & Top Picks – Dogster.
Posted: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 04:26:46 GMT [source]
There are a lot of reasons that dogs lose their hair and Reeder divides them into seven major categories. Reactions from rabies vaccines and steroid injections, cancer, chemical exposure, burns, and normal aging can produce alopecia. While there are multiple reasons why a dog may get alopecia, you can work with your veterinarian to determine the specific cause. Use appropriate flea and tick control that also protects dogs against mites (ask your veterinarian). When a dog’s thyroid is underactive, hair loss and balding can be a symptom of the disease.
Is Coconut Oil Good for Dog's Hair Loss?

These sores usually show up on a dog’s hip, elbows or sides and can become a chronic condition, much like bedsores in humans. Hypothyroidism is a condition where there is a decrease in your dog’s production of the thyroid hormone. This is the most common hormonal disease in dogs that impacts their skin. This occurs when the hair follicles become infected, in many cases with staph bacteria.
Your vet will check closely for any evidence of fleas or flea “dirt” (feces), ticks, or saliva-stained areas such as the feet, tail base, and flanks. Although Cushing’s disease is typically a lifelong challenge for dogs, it is manageable with medication and (in severe cases) surgery. This means that your dog still can live a happy, fulfilling life even with these medical challenges.
Make sure your pet is getting the right amount of moisture, but itshould not be wet. The coat is made up of hair, and the more hair there is, the more difficult it is to get rid of. They could have allergies, or they could be underweight, or it could be because they are simply wearing them out. Keeping the grooming supplies of the same type as your dog willsave you time and money over time.
One thing you need to do to help get rid of hair is not to brushit. Some dogs will naturally shed their hair, while others will not have thisoption. You would have to make sure that the hair is cut close to the skin, and the skin is cleaned very well. This can lead to some hair not being removed from the coat, and that can result in an extra layer of hair remaining. If you remove the top layer of fur, it can be quite difficult to get rid of the excess hair. There are a number of reasons why a dog might have too much in their coat.
But before you start freaking out, here’s some information about dog hair loss that you need to know. Additionally, an established yeast infection on the skin weakens the immune system and causes digestive issues, inflammation, and itching. Proper nutrition supports overall skin and coat health, which can decrease excess oil production and reduce chances of bacterial infections. In addition to a general health screening, they’ll evaluate the health of the skin and coat.
Like folliculitis, this damages the hair shaft causing hairs to fall out. Infection around the hair shaft, beneath the skin’s surface, damages the follicle and causes hair to fall out. Although this is generally uncommon, the Pomeranian breed is suffers from a form of genetic hair loss called Alopecia X. In this case the ‘X’ means no-one knows the cause. Excessive shedding can occur in your dog should she be pregnant or nursing; hormone changes contribute to this condition. is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical advice and should not replace your family veterinarian’s advice.
You also want to consult the vet if any other people or pets in the house have skin lesions. The vet will usually determine the severity after a physical exam and a diagnostic test using a sample of your pet's hair and/or skin cells. It affects puppies, senior dogs, and immunocompromised dogs more intensely.
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